5 Captivating Tabletop RPGs to Fuel Your Summer Adventures
Photo by Patrick Fobian / Unsplash

5 Captivating Tabletop RPGs to Fuel Your Summer Adventures

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Alright, let me lay it out for you - I'm a college professor. For nine months out of the year, I'm in full grind mode teaching classes, designing curricula, and helping put on theatrical productions. It's a nonstop hustle. But when April hits? Oh man, things start to chill out in a major way.

Time Off Means Time to Play

Alright, let me lay it out for you - I'm a college professor. For nine months out of the year, I'm in full grind mode teaching classes, designing curricula, and helping put on theatrical productions. It's a nonstop hustle. But when April hits? Oh man, things start to chill out in a major way.

Don't get me wrong, I still work during the summer, but it's way more flexible. No strict schedules to follow - I can knock out work super early in the morning or even on weekends. And you know what that open schedule means for a tabletop RPG fanatic like me? Game time, baby!

With those academic shackles off, you better believe I'm diving headfirst into as many campaigns as I can handle. The TTRPG floodgates are open, and I'm ready to get my adventure on!

Now, this list I've got for you isn't comprehensive by any means. Odds are I'll probably pick up a few more systems to try out before summer's end. But these seven games? They're sparking something serious in me right now.

Some are just nice and straightforward rule-wise, so I can pick 'em up quick and run multiple sessions. Others have this amazing vibe or premise that I'm itching to experience firsthand. Maybe it's the lore, maybe it's the dice system - whatever it is, they're bringing something special to the table.

I'll hook you up with links to each one (not an affiliate thing, just spreading that TTRPG love!). Get ready to feed that adventuring appetite, because this summer is gonna be one for the ages!

The List: In No Particular Order

A Family-Friendly Adventure Awaits: Introducing the Perfect TTRPG for Kids

When I stumbled upon this game on Kickstarter, I knew I had to back it. With a 12-year-old daughter, a 7-year-old stepdaughter, and a 1-year-old bundle of joy, finding a tabletop roleplaying game that could bring our entire family together was a top priority. This game advertised itself as "a tabletop role-playing adventure designed for kids ages 4-9 to play with adults," and that description fit our family perfectly. Needless to say, I placed my order without hesitation, and I was not disappointed!

Let's start with the system itself. You'll be using polyhedral dice, but generally, you'll only ever need to roll a single die. This approach helps younger players acclimate to recognizing a d20 (20-sided die), d12 (12-sided die), and so on. The game provides several pre-generated character sheets, each double-sided. On the front, you'll find the character's name and class across the top, an image of your character on the left, their attributes (Muscle!, Wits!, and Pizzazz!) in the middle, their health (represented by four hearts) on the right, and their combat actions at the bottom. Each character has three base actions and one special action. In combat, a character can perform three actions: move, make an action, and, if applicable, a reaction. Simple, easy, and accessible for everyone.

On the reverse side of the character sheet, you'll find the same information, but instead of written actions, there are images – perfect for the youngest adventurers who can simply point to what they want to do.

The game's simplicity belies its potential for pure, unbridled fun. With Special Actions like "NAP TIME!" and "GROUP HUG!," it's clear that this game is tailored to its younger audience. Additionally, there's an Appendix featuring magic items and a small bestiary, allowing you to spice up your game as desired. Finally, if you're feeling motivated, there's a second book containing a short campaign, enabling you to jump right into the action with minimal preparation – a godsend for busy individuals like myself.

For fun with the whole family, click here –> Little Game Masters

Embrace the Cyberpunk Narrative: Tokyo :Otherscape and the Mist Engine

Let me preface this by saying I stumbled upon Tokyo :Otherscape quite serendipitously, as I wasn't initially aware of its Kickstarter campaign. Designed by the creators of City of Mist, this game employs a vastly different system than most traditional TTRPGs. First, it runs on the Mist Engine, which utilizes a combination of tags and statuses rather than specific attributes. Having led a City of Mist game myself, my excitement for this new offering is an understatement. The Mist Engine facilitates a more narrative approach, akin to storytelling rather than a traditional game, with encounters that are far more engaging and less bound by black-and-white rules.

Now, I know some may take issue with my use of the term "narrative," but hear me out. Instead of relying on weapons with predetermined hit bonuses and damage dice, you simply describe what you want to attempt, and we determine the success level narratively. It's a different approach, I'll admit, but one that can lead to incredibly rewarding gaming experiences.

The primary reason I'm drawn to Tokyo :Otherscape is its cyberpunk setting, a genre I have yet to explore in a TTRPG. While my admiration for the Mist Engine is undeniable, the prospect of cyberpunk storytelling ignites an even greater passion within me. During character creation, you select from Theme books and sub-themes, offering a wealth of choices and requiring a solid understanding of the system. However, once you grasp the mechanics, it truly opens up a world of possibilities in defining your character's identity.

Additionally, your crew's dynamic is just as crucial. Part of the character creation process involves crafting your crew's theme, allowing your characters to forge bonds even before the first session begins.

Finally, the core rulebook includes a short "Starter Job," enabling you to dive into the action quickly and get a taste of the game's mechanics. Just remember to have your cybernetics prepared and your laser shooters loaded – you'll need them in the neon-drenched streets of Tokyo :Otherscape!

For cybernetic fun, click here –> Tokyo :Otherscape

Nostalgic Anime Adventures Await: Break!! RPG Recaptures the Magic

An easy-to-play game of exploration & teamwork set in the wonderfully dangerous Outer World.

I grew up at the end of the century, a time when Saturday morning cartoons, early anime, simple video games, and sugary cereals defined a life of bliss – before the proliferation of handheld devices and constant global news. Break!! transports me back to those cherished memories. As the website proclaims, Break!! is "an easy-to-play tabletop RPG of exploration & teamwork, inspired by anime and classic JRPGs." Oh, and did I mention the art is simply stunning? You'll find that most of the games I love include, at least partially, amazing artwork. In this world, there are 11 species, including Chibis and Bio-Mechanoids, alongside 8 callings ranging from Battle Princess to Heretics. But don't worry, there's still space for gnomes, goblins, sages, and champions.

You'll only need a single d20 – no other dice are required. You'll gain XP for Effort and Achievement, and when you've accumulated enough, it's time to level up. Encounters include checks, contests, and attacks, where you'll use your might, deftness, grit, insight, and aura to succeed or fail at your rolls. And, of course, there's downtime – a chance to craft items and generally tell an amazing story. Now, you might be thinking, "Why not just play D&D?" Well, Break!! is simpler to learn and a bit easier to understand, especially if you're brand new to TTRPGs. And, of course, if you love anime, you're going to love the game's stylistic presentation.

For anime fun, click here –> Break!! RPG

Unravel the Mysteries of Nordic Folklore: Vaesen Brings Horror to Life

Vaesen – Nordic Horror Roleplaying - Free League Publishing

Vaesen, created by Free League Publishing, takes a unique spin on the investigative genre as you play a seeker delving into the myths and folklore of Scandinavia. Labeled as a Nordic horror roleplaying game, it immerses you in a wonderfully Gothic setting. Now, this game utilizes the Year Zero Engine, the same system that powers many other Free League titles. If you're familiar with it, Vaesen should be an easy game to pick up. You'll need a handful of d6s to play.

However, this is not a game about always defeating the enemy. Generally, these creatures of myth are significantly more powerful than you. The goal here is to appease them in some way. Yes, you might need to fight them or weaken them, but an all-out battle will most likely result in your demise.

What I find truly fascinating, and the reason I'll be playing this summer, is the fact that you're trying to make the world a better place without always resorting to violence. When you're playing games like Pathfinder or D&D, it can often feel like every encounter ends in the death of the enemy. Here, you need to find alternate routes to help civilians stay alive. Can you convince the mermaid along the coast to leave the local villagers alone? Can you put a Myling, a child murdered by its mother, to rest? These are the trials you'll face.

A quick note: this game can be graphic and may trigger people in various ways. You'll want to have an open conversation with your group and ensure they're comfortable with the game's dark and horrific themes. It's a style that may not suit everyone. But if it piques your interest, then Vaesen is definitely worth checking out!

For Nordic horror fun, click here –> Vaesen

Coriolis: Embark on an Arabian Nights-Inspired Space Odyssey

The Walking Dead RPG studio's dark reimagining of Coriolis is “The Terror  meets Deadwood in space” | Dicebreaker

Do you like space? Do you like spaceships? Do you like a space setting that has an Arabian Nights feel? Then Coriolis is the perfect game for you. I'm excited to be starting a campaign in May of 2024! This will be my first-ever space-based game, and although I'm extremely excited about Starfinder 2E, Coriolis seems to have a lot going for it. Similar to Tokyo: Otherscape, you need to create a crew first. Are you smugglers hauling goods across empty space? Are you prospectors looking for your next big score? Or are you a traveling circus entertaining those stuck on single worlds or space stations?

Now, this is another game where sixes mean success, and there are levels of success based on the number of sixes rolled. So, the more successes you achieve, the more awesome your character's actions become. But if you fail, you're in the hands of the GM. As the text states, the only thing that can't happen is "nothing happens." But if you thought this was only about technology, you'd be wrong. There are nine icons, and your character worships one of them. Will you worship The Lady of Tears or The Gambler? Which direction will your character go? And if you pray to your icon, there's a much higher chance of succeeding. So be ready to worship and win!

With all of this, be aware that your GM can gain Darkness Points, which means that sometimes things will go wrong at the worst possible time. How will you handle it? And will you go crazy in the darkness of space? Only time will tell.

For Arabian nights space adventures, click here –> Coriolis

Just the Beginning: An Open Invitation to Share Your TTRPG Adventures

If you think these five games are the only ones I'll be attempting to play this summer, you are sorely mistaken. Time permitting, there are about a dozen more titles on my radar that I'm eager to explore. Having said that, even if I only manage to dive into these five, I'm still brimming with excitement. They're exceptional games, each promising to lead to unforgettable adventures.

But enough about me – I want to hear from you. What games are you planning to dive into this summer? What systems have you intrigued? And if it's something I haven't had the chance to read about yet, please, share a link so I can check it out.

This summer is shaping up to be a veritable smorgasbord of tabletop roleplaying delights, and I'm extending an open invitation for you to join me on this journey. Let's swap stories, trade recommendations, and revel in the camaraderie that makes this hobby so special. After all, what better way to spend the warmest months than embarking on epic quests with friends, both old and new?

So, let's hear it – what's got you hyped for summer gaming? The floor is yours, fellow adventurers!



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Terry Jachimiak II