BREAK!! RPG: A 90s Nostalgia Trip in TTRPG Form
Created by Reynaldo and Grey Wizard

BREAK!! RPG: A 90s Nostalgia Trip in TTRPG Form

A wonderful little game that takes you back to the 1990s, video games, and anime! And so very simple to learn.

Hey everyone! If you know anything about me, it's that I'm a huge fan of all things '90s—the era of my adolescence and early adult life, a time when we transitioned from analog to digital, rocked out from grunge to boy bands, and saw the explosive growth of video games. So imagine the rush of nostalgia and excitement when BREAK!! RPG popped up on my Kickstarter feed. Needless to say, I backed it immediately, and boy, am I glad I did!

Created by Reynaldo and Grey Wizard

BREAK!! RPG brings to the table a rich tapestry of settings and aesthetics, drawing inspiration from classic anime, SNES-era video games, and those enchantingly wistful fantasy novels and movies we all remember. The artwork alone, which you'll get a good look at throughout this review, is a massive draw. Kudos to Reynaldo Madriñan and Carlo Tartaglia for crafting a game that not only encapsulates a pivotal decade but also rejuvenates it for our gaming tables today. And to think, the seeds for this game were planted over ten years ago!

Now, it's not all perfect for everyone—there's a simplicity to the mechanics that might not be everyone's cup of tea. You're working with just a single d20, there's no rolling for damage since it’s determined by your weapon or magical actions, and success in skills and combat often means rolling under your proficiency—quite a shift from the likes of D&D 5E or Pathfinder 2E. But there's charm in simplicity, and once you get the hang of it, you might find it quite refreshing. Let's dive deeper and see what makes BREAK!! RPG a standout game in this era of tabletop renaissance.

One little cool thing, there are dice on the edge of the even pages. So if you don't have a d20 with you, you can just flip pages in the book and stop somewhere and use that as your dice roll. Really cool Easter egg.
Created by Reynaldo and Grey Wizard

Outer World - A Tapestry of Wonder and Mystery

While we could kick things off exploring BREAK!! RPG's unique mechanics, the incredibly rich world-building demands our attention first. The game's setting, known as Outer World, is a tapestry woven with threads of mystery, wonder, and pure creative genius - enticing enough for canon purists yet malleable for those who revel in homebrew adventures.

Crafted by the enigmatic "Creator," Outer World's history spans the Ages, from the end of the primordial Nihility through four distinct Aeons. In the current era, the world has been shattered, split into perpetual halves of unceasing night and relentless day after the cataclysmic destruction of the Sun Machine. But the divisions don't end there - regions like the Buried Kingdom and Twilight Meridian exist in eternal dusk and dawn, making Outer World a setting that is as dramatically evocative as it is unique.

Each locale, be it the Machine Labyrinth's twisting steel and circuitry or Taaga's resting place of the mythical Dawn Dragon, offers a distinct flavor ripe for epic adventure. Longing for more? Explore the untamed Elsewheres, primordial realms of raw essence. Or perhaps danger calls you towards the Heaven Seal, that celestial barrier safeguarding Outer World itself.

The brilliance of BREAK!! RPG is how it accommodates both those who wish to inhabit these rich, pre-established histories and landscapes, and creators who itch to expand beyond the canon into something uniquely their own. The canvas is vast, and every tale you weave, every homebrew brushstroke adds to the masterpiece. Whether you stick to the written lore or chart your own uncharted course, this RPG invites you to craft wondrous stories through your own lens.

Created by Reynaldo and Grey Wizard

Born From Your Imagination: Making Your Character

Let's talk about character creation in BREAK!! RPG—a process that every tabletop RPG enthusiast relishes. While it might not break new ground, it's got all the essentials that make for a fun setup. You start by choosing your Calling—akin to a class in other games. Next, pick your Species, similar to choosing an ancestry or race. Then, you add layers to your character's background with choices like Homeland and History, throw in a Quirk, sprinkle some Finishing Details, and voilà, your character is ready to explore the world of BREAK!!

One thing I absolutely appreciate is that you don’t roll for stats here. Instead, your stats are influenced by a mix of your Calling, Species, and other factors, making each character build feel genuinely tailored and unique. There’s a rich variety especially in options for Homeland and History that can take your character down intriguing and unexpected paths.

The Callings in the game cover the familiar archetypes like the Sneak, Champion, Raider, and Sage. But then it gets a bit more whimsical with options like Battle Princess and Murder Princess—and yes, you can choose to be a prince for these roles too. There’s even a Heretic who can summon a myriad of creatures for aid. The standout for me is the Factotum: your average Joe who just decided to go on adventures. They even have a nifty ability called Don't Mind Me that lets them be overlooked in combat unless they decide to take an offensive action.

Created by Reynaldo and Grey Wizard

When it comes to Species, the game includes the classic Human, Dwarf, Elf, and Goblin. Then it spices things up with Gruuns (akin to orcs), Rai-Nekos (cat people), and more exotic choices like Bio-Mechanoids, showcasing the game's integration of technology. Tenebrates are like shadowy beings, and Prometheans are dubbed Chosen of the Sun. And for a twist, there's the Human (Dimensional Stray)—humans from our world who've mysteriously ended up in the game's universe. What this means for your gameplay is entirely up to your imagination!

While I won't dive into every detail, rest assured that the character creation process allows ample room for personalization and creativity. And with mentions of potential expansions on the Kickstarter, the future might just bring even more exciting options to enhance the joy of building new characters in BREAK!! RPG.

Created by Reynaldo and Grey Wizard

Rolling Low: Mastering Checks and Contests

As a relative newcomer to the tabletop RPG scene, I understand the initial hurdles of adjusting to different gaming mechanics—like the "rolling under" system featured in BREAK!! RPG. Having started my TTRPG journey at 38, deep in the era of 5E and then diving into Pathfinder 2E, the concept of aiming for lower dice rolls was a bit of a head-scratcher. In the world of video games, bigger numbers always meant better results, right?

However, as I delved deeper into the mechanics of BREAK!! RPG, I realized that rolling low didn't mean my character was weaker; rather, it represented the formidable challenges they faced—be it a task too demanding or an opponent too cunning. For instance, if I needed to roll under a 10 to move a massive rock and rolled an 11, it wasn't just a simple failure. It meant the rock was perhaps too heavy, or I couldn't quite grip it right—a narrative twist that added depth to the gameplay.

This mechanic has grown on me. I really like that the roll shows the strength or difficulty of what my character is up against. Interestingly, this changes slightly during combat where you aim to roll over the opponent’s Armor Class (AC), adding a nice variety to the gameplay.

Created by Reynaldo and Grey Wizard

And let's not forget, there's no shortage of dice rolling in BREAK!! RPG. With just a d20, you’re set to tackle any scenario thrown your way—be it combat, negotiation, or crafting. This simplicity ensures that everyone gets their fill of that beloved dice-rolling action, keeping the heart of TTRPGs alive and well. As I've embraced this new way of playing, I've found it not only engaging but a refreshing twist to traditional RPG mechanics.

Final Thoughts: Wrapping Up Our Journey

And there you have it—a sneak peek into the intriguing world of BREAK!! RPG. But don't worry, this is just the beginning! I'm gearing up to dive deeper into the nuts and bolts of the game's mechanics in the coming months. Exciting times ahead, as I'll be kicking off a streamed campaign in just a couple of weeks. You can join in on the adventure and see the game in action by following along at Role for Perception on Twitch. We’ve got a fantastic group of four players ready to fully embrace the system, and we're all hoping to do it justice.

So, if you’re on the hunt for a game that simplifies things compared to DnD, or if you’re a fan of the nostalgic vibes of '90s anime, then BREAK!! RPG might just be the game for you. Give it a try—you may find it more captivating and enjoyable than you anticipate.

Don't forget to follow and join us on Twitch for live sessions, and of course, stay tuned for more in-depth reviews and updates. Jump into the action, roll the dice with us, and let's make some epic gaming memories together with BREAK!! RPG!



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Written by

Terry Jachimiak II