Click Your Way to Glory: 5 Essential Digital Tools for Virtual TTRPGs

Click Your Way to Glory: 5 Essential Digital Tools for Virtual TTRPGs

This is meant for the new to VTT GMs out there. A short list that will get you started using your favorite TTRPG.

The COVID-19 pandemic brought unprecedented challenges but paved the way for new opportunities and discoveries within the tabletop roleplaying game (TTRPG) community. While the circumstances were undoubtedly tragic, with many lives lost, the shift towards online gaming allowed me to uncover a passion that drives me daily.

Before the pandemic, I had never fully embraced the world of virtual tabletops. However, as social distancing measures were implemented, I explored this realm out of necessity. Little did I know that this detour would lead me to a newfound love for TTRPGs. Over the past four years, I've actively participated in online games as a player and a Game Master, relishing the opportunity to create captivating narratives, intricate maps, and compelling characters.

As someone who has wholeheartedly embraced the digital TTRPG community, I'm thrilled to share the five essential tools that have revolutionized my virtual gaming experience. Whether you're a seasoned veteran or a newcomer to the online scene, this curated list promises to streamline your sessions, enhance your creativity, and elevate your overall gaming experience.

It's important to note that while this list focuses on general tools, I'll be exploring more specialized options in future posts. Let's delve into the must-have digital tools that will undoubtedly reshape how you approach virtual tabletop gaming.

Unleashing Obsidian for Enhanced TTRPG Experiences

As a Game Master or player in tabletop roleplaying games (TTRPGs), staying organized and having a centralized knowledge base can be a game-changer. Enter, a powerful note-taking and knowledge management application that has quickly become a favorite among virtual tabletop enthusiasts. With its robust features and versatile capabilities, Obsidian provides a comprehensive solution for worldbuilding, campaign tracking, and character development.

At its core, Obsidian is a markdown-based note-taking app that allows you to create interconnected notes and build a vast knowledge base. Its clean and intuitive interface and ability to handle various file formats make it an ideal tool for organizing and managing your TTRPG campaigns.

Worldbuilding and Campaign Tracking

One of Obsidian's primary strengths is its ability to facilitate worldbuilding and campaign tracking. With its hierarchical folder structure and powerful linking capabilities, you can create intricate webs of interconnected notes, seamlessly navigating between locations, NPCs, quests, and lore. The backlinks feature ensures that changes to a specific note are automatically reflected throughout your knowledge base, keeping your campaign information up-to-date and consistent.

Character Development and Progression

Obsidian shines when it comes to character development and progression tracking. You can create comprehensive character sheets with backstories, personality traits, and ability scores, all within a single note or across multiple linked notes. As your characters grow and evolve throughout the campaign, you can easily update their information, ensuring their journey is meticulously documented.

Key Features for TTRPGs

  1. Linking and Backlinks: Obsidian's linking system allows you to create connections between notes, making it easy to navigate your knowledge base. Backlinks provide a visual representation of how your notes are interlinked, ensuring that no information is left behind.
  2. Plugins: Obsidian's plugin ecosystem is extensive and offers many functionality enhancements. From dice rollers and character sheet templates to advanced formatting and visualization tools, these plugins can supercharge your TTRPG experience.
  3. Markdown Support: Obsidian's native support for markdown formatting ensures that your notes are clean, readable, and easily shareable. You can effortlessly incorporate tables, code snippets, and images into your notes, making them visually appealing and informative.
  4. Cross-Platform Compatibility: Whether running your TTRPG sessions on a desktop, laptop, or mobile device, Obsidian's cross-platform compatibility ensures that your knowledge base is always within reach, allowing seamless collaboration and note-taking during gameplay.

By harnessing the power of Obsidian, you can elevate your TTRPG experiences to new heights. From meticulously crafted worlds and intricate campaign narratives to richly developed characters and comprehensive game logs, this versatile tool empowers you to bring your imagination to life like never before.

Bringing Characters to Life with HeroForge for Virtual Tabletops

Visual representation has become increasingly important in the ever-evolving world of TTRPGs, especially in virtual tabletops. HeroForge is a revolutionary 3D character design and miniature printing service that has taken the TTRPG community by storm. Whether you're a Game Master or a player, HeroForge offers a unique and immersive way to bring your characters to life, enhancing your gaming experience like never before.

HeroForge is a user-friendly online platform for creating highly detailed and customizable 3D character models. With a wide array of options, you can craft miniatures that accurately represent your characters, from their physical attributes and equipment to their poses and expressions.

Enhancing Virtual Tabletops with Custom Miniatures

One of the most significant advantages of HeroForge for virtual tabletops is the ability to create custom miniatures for your characters. Gone are the days of using generic or mismatched miniatures that fail to capture the essence of your carefully crafted personas. With HeroForge, you can design miniatures that perfectly embody your characters' unique characteristics, adding an extra layer of immersion and visual appeal to your gaming sessions.

Character Visualization and Storytelling

Beyond miniatures, HeroForge is a powerful tool for character visualization and storytelling. By creating detailed 3D models of your characters, you can better communicate their appearances, mannerisms, and personalities to other players and Game Masters. This facilitates a shared understanding of the characters and enhances the overall narrative and roleplay experience.

Key Features for TTRPGs

  1. Extensive Customization Options: HeroForge boasts an impressive array of customization options, allowing you to fine-tune every aspect of your character's appearance, from their race and body type to their clothing, armor, and accessories.
  2. Color Palettes: With a vast selection of color options, you can ensure that your miniatures accurately represent the colors and hues described in your character's backstory or campaign setting, adding an extra layer of authenticity.
  3. Posing Tools: HeroForge's intuitive posing tools enable you to strike dynamic poses for your miniatures, capturing the essence of your characters' personalities and combat styles, making them truly unique and memorable.
  4. Taken Creation: Once finished, you can export your character as a token ready to be implemented into any VTT.

Whether you're a seasoned Game Master crafting intricate NPCs or a player seeking to bring their beloved character to life, HeroForge empowers you to take your TTRPG experience to new heights. Combining the artistry of 3D character design with the convenience of token creation, HeroForge has become an invaluable tool for virtual tabletops, allowing you to immerse yourself in rich and visually captivating narratives like never before.

Enhancing Virtual Tabletop Experiences with Discord

Effective communication and collaboration are paramount in online TTRPGs. Discord, a popular communication platform designed with gamers in mind, has emerged as an invaluable tool for virtual tabletop enthusiasts, revolutionizing how Game Masters, players, and communities interact.

Discord is a user-friendly platform that combines voice and text chat capabilities with various features tailored to support online gaming communities. Its intuitive interface and robust functionality make it ideal for virtual tabletop sessions, allowing players and Game Masters to seamlessly connect, strategize, and immerse themselves in their campaigns.

Facilitating Virtual Tabletop Sessions

One of Discord's primary advantages for virtual tabletops is its ability to facilitate real-time communication during gaming sessions. Through voice channels, players can engage in lively discussions, roleplay encounters, and strategy collaboration while enjoying the convenience of remote play.

Discord's screen-sharing capabilities allow Game Masters to easily share maps, character sheets, and other visual aids, enhancing the overall immersion and making it easier to convey critical information to the group. This is especially important if you plan to share creations during the week between sessions, as I do.

Key Features for TTRPGs

  1. Server Management: Discord's server system allows Game Masters and community leaders to create dedicated spaces for virtual tabletop groups. Within these servers, they can customize roles, channels, and permissions, ensuring an organized and streamlined experience for all participants.
  2. Roles and Channels: By assigning roles to players and creating specialized channels (e.g., general discussion, session planning, homebrew content), Game Masters can maintain order and ensure that relevant information is easily accessible to the appropriate individuals. This has been especially important to me as I run various games.
  3. Bots and Integrations: Discord's thriving bot community offers a wide range of tools and utilities tailored for TTRPGs. From dice rollers and character sheet managers to music bots and custom commands, these integrations can enhance the virtual tabletop experience and streamline gameplay.
  4. Voice and Video Quality: Discord's optimized voice and video quality ensure that communication during sessions remains clear and uninterrupted, allowing for seamless roleplay and strategic discussions, even when participants are in different locations.

Whether you're a seasoned Game Master looking to create an immersive online campaign or a player seeking to join a vibrant virtual tabletop community, Discord provides a versatile platform to facilitate your gaming needs. With its user-friendly interface, robust features, and thriving ecosystem of bots and integrations, Discord empowers you to elevate your TTRPG experiences to new heights, bridging the gap between remote players and creating unforgettable adventures.

Embracing Patreon to Elevate Your Virtual Tabletop Experience

In the ever-evolving landscape of tabletop roleplaying games (TTRPGs), virtual tabletops have opened up a world of possibilities for creators and players alike. However, sustaining and growing these online communities requires significant time and resources. Enter Patreon, a crowdfunding platform that has revolutionized how creators can monetize their passion projects and connect with their audience on a deeper level.

Patreon is a subscription-based platform that allows creators to receive recurring financial support from their fans or "patrons." By offering exclusive content, behind-the-scenes access, and unique rewards, creators can build a dedicated community of supporters who share their love for TTRPGs.

Supporting Virtual Tabletop Creators

For Game Masters, Dungeon Masters, and content creators in the virtual tabletop space, Patreon offers a powerful tool to sustain and grow their creative endeavors. By offering various subscription tiers, creators can provide their patrons with exclusive content, such as custom adventures, one-shot campaigns, or personalized character art and miniatures.

Furthermore, Patreon serves as a platform for community building, allowing creators to engage with their patrons through private Discord servers, Q&A sessions, and even live-streamed gaming sessions. This level of engagement fosters a sense of community and provides valuable feedback and inspiration for future content.

Key Features for TTRPGs

  1. Subscription Tiers: Patreon's subscription tier system allows creators to offer a range of rewards and benefits at different price points, catering to diverse patron interests and budgets. I currently subscribe to multiple tiers of different Patreon's for maps, music and Foundry modules.
  2. Exclusive Content: From custom adventures and supplemental materials to behind-the-scenes looks at content creation processes, creators can offer their patrons a wealth of exclusive content, providing added value and incentives for supporting their work.
  3. Community Engagement: Patreon facilitates direct communication and engagement between creators and their patrons through features like private Discord servers, Q&A sessions, and live-streamed events. This level of interaction fosters a sense of community and allows creators to receive valuable feedback and input.

Whether you're a Game Master looking to fund your next epic campaign, a content creator seeking to monetize your passion for TTRPGs, or a player seeking exclusive content and access, Patreon provides a platform to support and elevate the virtual tabletop experience. By harnessing the power of crowdfunding and community engagement, Patreon empowers creators and players alike to shape the future of online tabletop gaming.

Immersing Yourself in Captivating Soundscapes with Tabletop Audio

In the ever-evolving world of virtual tabletop roleplaying games (TTRPGs), creating an immersive and atmospheric experience is crucial for transporting players to the realms of their imagination. Enter Tabletop Audio, a dedicated website that offers a vast collection of ambient sounds and music tailored explicitly for tabletop gaming sessions.

Tabletop Audio is a one-stop destination for Game Masters and players, providing a curated library of high-quality audio resources to elevate the gaming experience. From the crackling of a campfire in a forest to the eerie howls of the wind in a haunted castle, this platform offers a wealth of soundscapes that can transform any virtual tabletop into a fully realized and captivating world.

Enhancing Virtual Tabletops with Immersive Soundscapes

One of the primary advantages of Tabletop Audio is its ability to create an immersive audio environment for your virtual tabletop sessions. By seamlessly blending ambient sounds with atmospheric music, Game Masters can set the tone for each encounter, location, or narrative arc, transporting players into the heart of the action.

Whether exploring a bustling city, navigating treacherous dungeons, or traversing vast wilderness, Tabletop Audio provides the perfect sonic backdrop to complement your storytelling and enhance your gaming experience.

Key Features for TTRPGs

  1. Extensive Sound Collections: Tabletop Audio boasts an impressive collection of meticulously crafted sound effects and music tracks covering various environments and scenarios. You'll find the perfect audio accompaniment for your campaigns, from urban cityscapes to mystical realms.
  2. Customization Options: With Tabletop Audio, you can customize and fine-tune the audio experience to suit your needs. Adjust volume levels, layer multiple sound effects, and create unique playlists that perfectly capture the essence of your virtual world.
  3. Playlists and Sharing: Tabletop Audio allows you to create and save custom playlists, ensuring that your carefully curated soundscapes are ready to enhance your gaming sessions. Additionally, you can share these playlists with your gaming group, fostering a shared audio experience.
  4. Seamless Integration: Whether you use a virtual tabletop platform, video conferencing software, or run your sessions in person, Tabletop Audio's versatile audio tools can be easily integrated into your setup, ensuring a seamless and immersive audio experience for all participants.

By harnessing the power of Tabletop Audio, you can elevate your virtual tabletop sessions to new heights, captivating your players with rich and evocative soundscapes that transport them to worlds beyond their imagination. From the subtle ambiance of a tavern's chatter to the thunderous roar of a dragon's breath, Tabletop Audio empowers you to craft genuinely unforgettable gaming experiences.

But This Is Just the Start

As I stated in the beginning, this is merely a start to our VTT tools. As I continue on, I'm going to get more specific according to the tabletop and according to the game. Once you start putting everything together, you're going to find that preparing for and running games will become quicker and easier.

Now, if you're not already a subscriber, sign up. I promise not to send many spam emails, and you can comment on this post. When you're done, tell me about the tools that you're using.



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Written by

Terry Jachimiak II