Young Heroes Assemble: A Dive into 'Little Game Masters' TTRPG

Young Heroes Assemble: A Dive into 'Little Game Masters' TTRPG

Little Game Masters is the perfect starter system for those looking to bring the next generation to tabletop roleplaying games.

When I first saw the title "Little Game Masters", I had a feeling this was going to be something special. And boy, was I right!

Think about it - how many tabletop RPG books are actually designed with kids in mind? Not a whole lot, right? The intro straight up admits that this bridges the gap between young players and the systems typically made for older audiences. That's a pretty rare and awesome thing.

Now, don't get me wrong, other games out there such as Quest RPG can sort of work for younger players too. But Little Game Masters was created specifically to turn little tikes into full-fledged adventurers in the TTRPG world. It's built just for them from the ground up.

But here's the kicker - even if you're a grown adult who's brand new to these kinds of games, this book could be perfect for you too! The mechanics are so beautifully simple that you can really focus on getting into the roleplaying aspect without your brain melting from crunch overload.

It lets new players truly understand how a tabletop RPG works at its core, before layering on all the complex stats and numbers. For teaching purposes, you can't beat that! Enough rambling though - let's dive into what actually makes up this little gem of a game.

From Little Game Masters by Randall Hampton

The Game Basics

For those of you with some tabletop RPG experience under your belt, don't worry - I won't be too basic here. You'll need a set of polyhedral dice, though the game explicitly states that you'll only ever roll one die at a time. Simplicity is key for this youth-oriented system.

While having at least one copy of the rulebook is nice, extras aren't necessarily needed. If you're coming from something like D&D, you'll find the rules significantly streamlined, so no need for a hefty handbook.

The game provides a large selection of pre-generated character cards. I'd encourage starting with one of these before crafting your own custom character - we'll dive into those specifics later.

Truthfully, that's about all you absolutely need to get started. Maps and miniatures can enhance the experience, but aren't required, especially when introducing the game to a younger crowd. The "theater of the mind" approach works perfectly fine here.

Alright, with the basics covered, let's delve into the nitty-gritty of character creation.

From Little Game Masters by Randall Hampton

Keeping It Simple with Character Creation

One area where Little Game Masters truly shines is its streamlined character creation system. Rather than bombarding new players with a overwhelming array of stats and skills, this game limits the core attributes to just three: MUSCLE!, WITS!, and PIZZAZZ!

From Little Game Masters by Randall Hampton

MUSCLE! covers all the physical actions your character can perform, from climbing and swimming to jumping and other dexterity-based moves. Think of it as the strength and agility stat rolled into one.

WITS! governs your mental acuity, including perception, spellcasting, and cunning dialogue. It encompasses both intelligence and wisdom from traditional RPGs.

Finally, PIZZAZZ! represents your character's performance abilities, intimidation tactics, and persuasive powers - the charisma factor, if you will.

That's it! No bloated skill lists or excessive number-crunching. These three attributes allow you to handle virtually any situation that arises during your adventures.

To ease new players into this elegant system, the game provides 12 pre-generated characters covering iconic RPG classes like fighters, clerics, druids, and wizards. Simply hand them out and you're ready to dive into the action! While you can craft custom characters later using the guidelines provided, I highly recommend starting with the pre-gens to get a solid grasp on the core mechanics first.

From Little Game Masters by Randall Hampton

Streamlined Gameplay Mechanics

Let's dive into how this game actually plays out at the table:

Combat follows a familiar initiative structure found in most TTRPGs. On your turn, you can take three actions: move, make an attack/ability usage, and potentially a reaction if one is available.

Rather than tracking movement in feet or squares, Little Game Masters uses a simple step system - each character has 6 steps they can spend on positioning each round.

Every character starts with 3 basic actions they can use as often as needed, plus 1 special action that can only be used once per combat. No worrying about running out of spell slots or ability uses!

Instead of AC, you'll roll to defend against incoming attacks. Conditions like blindness, restraint, and slowed movement can be applied through various effects, adding an extra layer of strategy.

One unique aspect is that your character only has 3 "heart" points. Get hit too many times and you'll be knocked out, waking up safe in the nearest town - no permadeath here! This lighthearted approach reinforces that the game prioritizes fun over punishing mechanics.

So in summary, streamlined actions, simplified movement, and no dying - just classic RPG combat distilled into an accessible, newbie-friendly format.

From Little Game Masters by Randall Hampton

Unleashing Your Storytelling Adventures

The core rulebook comes packaged with a delightfully whimsical sample adventure titled "A Prickly Problem." This ready-to-play scenario allows you to dive straight into the action without any prep work, dealing with a nefarious "Stinky Green Ooze" that's sure to tickle your players' fancies. If you're looking for gritty, serious roleplaying, this probably isn't the game for you. But for an introductory romp filled with silly fun? You can't go wrong here.

(Leave a comment if you'd like me to review the game's full campaign adventure path in a future post!)

Once you've gotten a few sessions under your belt, it's time to unleash your own imaginative storytelling prowess. An appendix filled with unique monsters provides the perfect foundation for populating your own custom worlds and adventures. And don't worry, the book offers plenty of tips to help Game Masters craft an engaging, exciting narrative experience for their players.

In fact, Little Game Masters' elegant simplicity makes it an ideal training ground for aspiring GMs. With fewer fiddly rules to juggle, you can focus more on crafting an immersive story that keeps the entire table hooked and hungry for more adventures. It's the perfect entry point for anyone looking to take the narrative reins and discover the immense satisfaction of worldbuilding and storytelling.

From Little Game Masters by Randall Hampton

Under the Hood: A Beautifully Crafted Experience

At first glance, you might mistake Little Game Masters for a much more well known tome - the quality of the printing and bound pages is simply top-notch. As you flip through, the vibrant, gorgeous artwork leaps off each page, making you do a double-take more than once. Randall Hampton has truly outdone himself, crafting a book that begs to be pored over, admired, and shared.

Despite its relatively slim size, the amount of loving detail packed into each illustration is staggering. The images I've included really don't do it justice - you'll want to get your hands on a physical copy just to appreciate the full artistic splendor.

But beyond just visuals, the simple yet engagingly written ruleset makes this game approachable for gamers of any age or experience level. Even a young, aspiring Game Master could pick this up and confidently run their first session with ease.

From the binding quality to the gorgeous art to the clear instructional text, every component of Little Game Masters oozes refinement and thoughtful, age-inclusive design. This isn't just a game - it's an absolute labor of love that deserves pride of place on any tabletop gamer's bookshelf.

The Verdict: An Unparalleled Intro to TTRPGs

In wrapping up, I can confidently say Little Game Masters is an absolute gem that ticks every box I could want from an introductory tabletop RPG. Its ingenious simplicity and kid-friendly approach make it the perfect gateway for little adventurers to unleash their imaginations in boundless new worlds.

Yet what makes it so brilliant is how accessible and valuable it is for gamers of any age or experience level. Stripping away the intimidating crunch, it distills roleplaying down to its purest, most engaging form. As such, it provides an unparalleled training ground for aspiring GMs to build their confidence at the helm before sailing into deeper waters.

My only gripe? I desperately hope we get more supplemental campaigns and expansions in the future. While the core content will keep you gaming for a long while, I can't get enough of this marvelous universe that Randall Hampton has crafted.

So whether you're looking to spark your child's creative spirit or reignite your own sense of fantastical adventure, Little Game Masters should be an absolute must-have for your tabletop collection. Simple but overflowing with heart, it's a true masterclass in bringing people together for unforgettable storytelling experiences. Your path to infinite imagined realms awaits!



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Written by

Terry Jachimiak II