Map of Arconix Isle with towns and monuments.
Map of Arconix Isle in the Galvanus Archipelago.

Welcome to Arconix Isle, Prepare for Mischief

Finished up the map for the start of our newest BREAK!! RPG adventure! Oh, and there is a free download of the map as well!

The adventure in mapmaking continues! Today, I devoted some time to crafting a map for an island, which will serve as the setting for our new BREAK!! RPG campaign, streaming live on Monday nights from 8:00 pm to 11:00 pm. I'm excited to share that at the end of this post, you'll find a link to download the high-definition JPEG of the map for your own gaming use. Now, let’s explore the details of the map and the upcoming adventures.

Coralgate, starting point of our heroes!

Coralgate, A City on the Bay, Run by the Merchants Guild

Welcome to Coralgate, the City on the Bay, governed by the powerful Azure Exchange, a merchant guild renowned for its wealth and influence on Arconix Isle. Here, our intrepid adventurers begin their journey, not as warriors or mages, but as bakers with dreams of culinary conquest. These cake-loving entrepreneurs aim to bake the finest cakes in all the Outer World and earn their fortunes selling them. Their journey began a month ago, picking up various jobs to fund their bakery venture, which was first discussed during Session 0.

Coralgate thrives under the management of The Azure Exchange, which values profit above all. Our heroes will sometimes work for the guild, reaping substantial rewards while striving to remain in its good graces to avoid potential disaster. Their baking skills may also draw the attention and needs of the local populace, ensuring our group is never short on interactions and adventures.

Plenty of Dangers Around Every Corner

Danger lurks just beyond the safety of the city. While the daily life within Coralgate might seem mundane, the surrounding areas hold much promise for enhancing our group’s reputation. Take the Hornbury Ruins, for example, located beyond the Thornweave Expanse. Once a bustling city known for its trade, farming, and mining, it now stands in ruins, challenging our adventurers with its treacherous paths.

Then there’s Echoes Watch, a mysterious tower on the plains, visible for miles and rumored to be haunted by voices and whispers that unsettle even the bravest knights. What secrets does it hold? Who built it? These questions await our heroes’ discovery.

Grab Your Free Map Here!

Finally, as a token of appreciation for following our adventures, I've provided a free map crafted with unique brushes and textures from Below, you’ll find a link to download different versions of the map, including a full resolution JPEG and the original PSD file. Please note, brushes and fonts are not included, so feel free to modify the map with your own tools or use it as is by renaming the towns.

Don't forget to subscribe to our blog for notifications on new maps, artwork, and articles—it's free and a great way to support the creativity shared here. Now, grab that map and start creating your own epic tales!



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Written by

Terry Jachimiak II